Part 5 - Regions
Echo Base is a region. The Canteen, Bunkroom, Corridor, Crossroads, Control Room, Medbay, Hangar, Repair Bay and Lookout are in Echo Base.
Every turn when the player is in Echo Base:
if the alarm is switched on and turn count is even:
choose a random row in the Table of Echo Base Alarm Messages;
say "[message entry]".
Table of Echo Base Alarm Messages
message |
"A klaxon blares." |
"The tannoy announces: 'All Echo Base personnel must evacuate immediately.'" |
"The tannoy announces: 'Transport Whispering Bird is cleared for launch.'" |
"The tannoy announces: 'All Echo Base personnel must proceed to the landing pad for evacuation.'" |
Outdoors is a region. The Landing Pad, Mountain Path, Generator and Cornice are in Outdoors.
Space is a region. Hoth Orbit is in Space. Hyperspace is in Space.