Part 3 - Things
Section 2 - Holoscreen
The holoscreen is a device. The holoscreen is switched off. The holoscreen has a number called channel. The channel of the holoscreen is 1. "The holoscreen can show views from a number of cameras in and around Echo Base."
Instead of examining the holoscreen:
if the channel of the holoscreen > number of rows in the Table of Holoscreen Channels:
now the channel of the holoscreen is 1;
let N be the channel of the holoscreen;
if the holoscreen is switched on:
say "The holoscreen shows [view in row N of the Table of Holoscreen Channels].";
now the channel of the holoscreen is the channel of the holoscreen + 1;
say "The holoscreen is not switched on."
Table of Holoscreen Channels
view |
"the rebels loading the last transport on the landing pad" |
"an approaching AT-AT" |
"[if the snowtrooper is alive]a snowtrooper lying in wait beneath a cornice on a mountain path[else]a recent avalanche[end if]" |
"the defensive barricades" |
"a deserted hangar containing a stripped snowspeeder" |
"the shield generator under Imperial fire" |
"a Star Destroyer in orbit above Hoth" |