Section 18 - Looking at/with
Understand "look [direction]" as facing.
Facing is an action applying to one visible thing.
Check facing the direction:
let the viewed location be the room noun from the location;
if viewed location is a room:
try looking toward the viewed location.
Report facing:
let the viewed location be the room noun from the location;
if viewed location is not a room:
say "There's nothing to see in that direction."
Instead of facing up:
if the location is in Outdoors:
say "A brilliant blue sky, marred by the contrails of snowspeeders and TIE strikers.";
otherwise if the location is in Echo Base:
say "Ice and cables, mostly.";
otherwise if the location is in Space:
say "You're not sure which way is up.";
say "You see nothing special."
Instead of facing down:
if the location is in Outdoors:
say "A brilliant blue sky, marred by the contrails of snowspeeders and TIE strikers.";
otherwise if the location is in Echo Base:
say "A muddy plasteel grating.";
otherwise if the location is in Space:
say "You're not sure which way is down.";
say "You see nothing special."
Understand "look toward/towards [any adjacent room]" as looking toward.
Looking toward is an action applying to one visible thing.
Report looking toward:
say "You see [the noun]."
A viewing thing is a kind of thing.
Understand "look [direction] with [a thing]" as looking with.
Looking with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing.
Check looking with:
let the viewed location be the room noun from the location;
if viewed location is not a room:
stop the action.
Carry out looking with:
let the viewed location be the room noun from the location;
if the location is in Outdoors and the second noun is a viewing thing:
say "Through [the second noun], you can see: [The description of the viewed location]."