Section 16 - Spaceships
A spaceship is a kind of vehicle. A vehicle has some text called the inner description.
Instead of going up to Hoth Orbit when the player is not in a spaceship:
say "You are not in a spaceship and you will not go to space today!"
Check an actor going somewhere by spaceship (called ship):
if the actor is not a pilot:
say "[The actor] [are] not qualified to fly [the ship].";
stop the action.
Check going somewhere by a broken spaceship (called ship):
say "[The ship] [are] damaged and [can] no longer fly.";
stop the action.
Check going somewhere by a spaceship (called ship):
if somewhere is not in Outdoors or somewhere is not in Space:
say "[The ship] can't fly there.";
stop the action.
Understand "jump to hyperspace" as jumping to hyperspace.
Jumping to hyperspace is an action applying to nothing.
To jump is a verb.
Check an actor jumping to hyperspace:
if the actor is not in a spaceship:
say "[The actor] [aren't] in a spaceship!";
stop the action.
Check an actor jumping to hyperspace:
if the actor is not a pilot:
say "[The actor] [don't] know how to engage the hyperdrive.";
stop the action.
Check an actor jumping to hyperspace:
if the actor is not in space:
say "[The actor] [can't engage] the hyperdrive in a gravity well.";
stop the action.
Check an actor jumping to hyperspace:
if the actor is in hyperspace:
say "[The actor] [are] already in hyperspace!";
stop the action.
Check an actor jumping to hyperspace:
if the actor is in a spaceship (called the ship):
if the ship is broken:
say "[regarding the ship][The ship] hyperdrive is broken.";
stop the action.
Carry out an actor jumping to hyperspace:
if the actor is in a spaceship (called the ship):
move the ship to Hyperspace.
To engage is a verb.
Report an actor jumping to hyperspace:
say "[The actor] [engage] the hyperdrive.";
try looking.